Cannabis varieties: Division by action and composition of cannabinoids and terpenes for medicine

Many have ask me which varieties are best to order for their diseases and here are good solutions for personal planting. Excellent informative graphics and realistic division of different selected varieties of Cannabis for medical purposes, with terpene composition, action and medical purpose.

We are different, our metabolites are different, so someone likes it better and works better with one type of cannabis compared to another. Also, for the same disease in different people, the same variety or combination will work better for someone, weaker for someone, while another variety / combination will be more successful.

The current division of varieties into 'indica' and 'sativa' and hybrids of this 'two species' and lately the third 'ruderalis', should be viewed from now on in the sense - 'indika' are sedative (for night and regeneration), and the so-called 'sativa' are energy (daily, working). The division into lower and shrubby with broad leaves and thinner high with narrow leaf blades no longer exists in practice, and even earlier the varieties had mixed morphological characteristics.
What we encounter today are almost completely all hybrids, created sooner or later. During the decades of crossbreeding, some important ingredients that the former varieties possessed are much rarer today, which is especially true for some precious terpenes. All the more so, the preservation of indigenous varieties and their natural habitats is of key importance for medicine and cannabis treatment. because it is necessary to have the greatest possible variety of varieties for better medical results and for the needs of various diseases.

Division of varieties by THC and CBD content:

1. dominant THC 

2. Combining THC-CBD 

3. Dominant CBD

 - The ideal ratio of THC and CBD ranges from 1: 1 to 20: 1 in both directions, up to a ratio of 40: 1 for medical purposes, depending on the disease, the patient's metabolism and his endocannabinoid system.

 - A ratio above 80: 1 especially THC in relation to CBD is not recommended, these varieties can cause anxiety and a feeling of paranoia. We most often see this in the so-called 'skunk' hybrids, ie varieties intended for indoor cultivation, and hence 'fama' that today's varieties are 'stronger and more dangerous' than the former ones. The only truth is that the ratio of CBD to many important terpenes has decreased.

Division by action (synergistic effect of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids):

1. Energy (so-called "sativa") - higher content of limonene

  • Clear energies give an easy ‘lifting’ daily energetic and creative feeling, and clarity of thought
  • 'Heavy' energy has a stronger psychedelic and euphoric effect, encourages creativity and action

2. Sedatives (so-called "indica") - higher myrsin content, with often higher% CBD

  • Clear sedatives have a relaxing effect, cause a feeling of mental awakening and clarity
  • 'Heavy' sedatives are recommended for the treatment of cancer, insomnia, during rehabilitation, when the body needs the most sleep and rest.

3. Crossed - suitable for most diseases

  • Clear crosses are suitable for daily activities, for communicative people who like action
  • Balanced crosses give creativity, social needs evoke feelings of love and compassion
  • ‘Heavy’ crosses evoke a strong sense of calm, they are sedative

Some of the varieties useful for medical use from the website Dutch Seeds Shop:
Varieties that can be used in the treatment of cancer, the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation and unwanted symptoms

As current science and research show the effect of terpene is that it gives and causes known effects in conjunction with THC and other compounds to a far greater extent than CBD does. CBD is important for leveling the strong action of THC with a joint healing effect in relieving pain, in neurological diseases and cancer, it enhances the feeling of happiness and a calming feeling.

TERPENS from Cannabis and medicinal properties:

The way in which some of the varieties of cannabis will work largely depends on the terpenes that are in it. Terpenes act synergistically with cannabinoids, especially THC, and mutually enhance the healing effect of both the effects of terpenes themselves and THC and modulate it. Thus Limonen gives THC a feeling of energy and good mood, while Mirsen gives the varieties that well-known sedative effect, known as the effect of 'indica' varieties.

- antidepressant,
- anxiolytic - anti
- antitumor (breast cancer)
- against fungal dermatophytes

- sedative - muscle relaxant, strong barbitant
- anti-inflammatory
- analgesic
- blocks carcinogenesis of hepatitis

- strong anti-inflammatory
- gastro-protective, cyto-protective
- CB2 agonist, dietary effect
- analgesic
- antidermatitis

very antifungal
lens onychomycosis for 15 days
(this is a terpene that smell trained police dogs)

- anti-anxiety
- sedative (inhalation)
- local anesthetic
- anticonvulsant? anti-glutamatergic
- analgesic

alpha-PINEN Action
- anti-inflammatory
- bronchodilator
- preserves memory (acetylcholinesterase inhibitor)
  and cancels the action of THC, which can affect short-term memory loss.
- broad-spectrum antibiotic

- anti-inflammatory
- anti-fungal
- antiviral

- antitumor
- antioxidant
- sedative
- antibacterial
- antifungal

The varieties that are used today especially for medical use are practically all hybrids, so there is no clear division except for the effect, as explained in this graphic presentation. It is always good to combine different varieties, both for treatment and prevention.


Knowledge is power. Cannabis is a MEDICINE <3

Ivan Kodinov